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Triggers And Flashbacks in Addiction Recovery: An Unbiased Analysis

Managing triggers and recollections is a crucial aspect of addiction recovery, and understanding effective coping strategies is essential for long-term abstinence. In the two preceding articles, we discussed coping strategies, the Maia Szalavitz perspective, the application of the 12-step philosophy, and evidence-based therapies. Now, let’s analyze how these insights apply to the context of rehabilitation […]

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Tools for Addressing Underlying Issues in Addiction Treatment in Johannesburg

When you delve into the realm of addiction treatment in Johannesburg, you’ll find that addressing underlying issues is a cornerstone approach. However, two less-often highlighted aspects of this process might stir your curiosity – the cultural diversity aspect and the societal stigma aspect. Both significantly influence addiction treatment but are frequently under-addressed, even though they […]

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